
CBS - Proving Me Right Once Again

In the past few days, the big 4 networks have announced their new prime time schedules to advertisers and to the world, and as usual, the good folks over at CBS have stuck with mass over class and ratings over quality (see my recently posted paper for more on Quality TV and CBS programming).

What has transpired would be a perfect epilogue to my paper. This year, CBS had one show that won a significant Emmy (The New Adventures of Old Christine- star Julia Louis-Dreyfus won for Best Actress in a Comedy Series), and one new show that garnered critical buzz and respect (Jericho, about the rebuilding of a small Kansas town after a series of nuclear attacks on the U.S.). You would think that CBS would be proud of both of these programs, as awards and critical praise are almost anathema to The Tiffany Network. But lo and behold, Jericho has been canceled and Christine has only been given a 13 episode order and a midseason start date.

Want to know the best part? Both shows have significantly more viewers than, for example, any of the four NBC Thursday comedies or Friday Night Lights, a show that was at the bottom of the ratings barrel but was the most critically lauded new show of the year (FNL PLUG-- Watch this freaking show. If you take anything away from this blog, dear god let it be that. Catch up on season one in time for next fall. I promise you won't regret it.) At its peak, Christine was averaging triple the viewers of Scrubs or double those of The Office.

Even with some new fall shows that sound good on paper (Viva Laughlin, a "drama with music", and the Lord of the Flies-esque Kid Town chief among them), I will continue to boycott this network that constantly eschews quality for cash. Believe me, I understand that television is a business and as such, the goal is to make moolah. But there's a reason we go to The Palm instead of McDonald's when we want a quality meal, and I refuse to join the rest of the mindless dudes in line for something fast and easy at the billion-dollar corporate fast food joint when I can spend my money on something far more succulent and rewarding.

I urge you friends: join me in my cause. Let's show CBS that it'll take more than 8 versions of the same episodic procedurals and old-fashioned sitcoms of yesteryear to earn our eyeballs. We only have so many hours to spend in front of the television, so let's be choosy about how we spend them. I know we all need that Mickey D's fix every once in a while, but honestly folks, there's enough truly Quality TV on the airwaves that you shouldn't have to spend a second you don't want to watching anything else.

So make the worthwhile choice, and I'll see you at The Palm.


Unknown said...

I really like your Mcdonald's/The Palm analogy - really hits home.
I have never once watched a show on CBS, and I now intend to keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

You may be down on CBS in general, but check out the preview for Kid Nation http://www.cbs.com/primetime/fall_preview_2007/

It looks like the absolute best reality TV show of all-time. Lord of the Flies with cameras.

Anonymous said...

"Even with some new fall shows that sound good on paper (Viva Laughlin, a "drama with music", and the Lord of the Flies-esque Kid Town chief among them), I will continue to boycott this network that constantly eschews quality for cash."

One step ahead of you, bro.

Will B said...

It doesn't just look good on paper! Watch the clip...

Don't let your boycott extend to that show.