
Heroes - Season 1, Episode 14 - "Distractions" & Lost - Season 3, Episode 7 - "Not In Portland"

As I predicted in my last Heroes post, this week's episode was off the chain. Action, intrigue, danger, several awesome uses of power, secrets revealed, emotional moments-- it was pretty much everything you could ask for from a television show.

Lost on the other hand, has continued its downward spiral into "I just don't care anymore" land. While last night's episode was certainly a good one, it feels like it just might be too little too late. I'm going to talk about some of the pros & cons of each episode and how these two episodes perfectly exemplify the current state of each show as a whole.

As usual, with Heroes we got some really exciting, important storylines, as well as some not-so-important supporting plot lines. Hiro's Dad? Boring. Everyone else? Exciting. I particularly enjoyed the totally freaky scene between Sylar and Mrs. Bennet, the super emotional reunion between Claire and Meredith, all the scenes between Peter and Claude (who form a very captivating and well-balanced duo), and the reluctant release of Nikki/Jessica back into society. Basically, every storyline but Hiro's was full, interesting, and most importantly (are you taking notes, Lost?), each storyline DEVELOPED-- nothing is the same as it was when the episode began, for no moment is wasted in propelling the story further, taking us closer to its end (thought not all that close I hope).

With Lost, we had the usual binary of plots- on the island and personal flashback. On the island? Not bad. Sawyer and Kate are on their way back to their island, Ben is alive, and Jack is, (what else?), pissed off. It's not a giant leap, but the plot is moving steadily forward, a good sign. Flashback? Eh. I might've enjoyed it more if I didn't find Juliette so damn irritating. If I ever meet her in real life, I will punch her in the face repeatedly until her stupid dumb face has some sort of expression on it for once.

We learned a LOT this week in Heroes. We learned that Claire's father is Nathan (who else could it possibly have been, but an awesome move nonetheless); we learned what Peter needs to do to control his powers; we learned that Simone's father's apartment has some significant role to play somewhere down the line; we learned that Isaac not only paints the distant future, but either the present or the very near future, as evidence by his painting of Peter against the taxi.

In Lost, we learned that Juliette was recruited by The Others for her scientific abilities and that she's been on the island for 3 years. We learned that something funky is going on with her, maybe in Walt-type vein, in that when she wished for her husband to be hit by a bus, he was (I will always love the shock of watching someone unexpectedly get hit by a bus. Call me sadistic, but it packs a mighty powerful punch). Oh yeah, and we learned that Juliette's sister is Calamity Jane from Deadwood and that just when you thought she couldn't get any uglier, she has.

What's the difference between these two types of knowledge? In Heroes, we learn crucial information about what's going on in the present and information that will affect the future. With Lost, we're just given more background information that may or may not be important ever again. This is the fundamental difference between these two shows, and is what makes Heroes such a better choice. With Heroes, I feel as if I'm in good hands. I trust that every week, we'll grow a few steps closer to the endgame in a logical, linear fashion. I know that each moment, each word, each clue, is there for a reason and that those reasons will be explained within a reasonably short amount of time.

With Lost, I have absolutely no trust whatsoever. I'm getting real sick and tired of being jerked around ABC. First we had to wait 3 months to get the SEVENTH episode of this season (what a joke), but they've been stringing us along for months now. It's no surprise that the creators have not had a clear vision of where the show is headed since the beginning, as Heroes certainly does. In Lost, plot elements are introduced and then they're never heard from again (the black smoke monster? Walt's comic book with the polar bear? Libby in the insane asylum? A million other things?) I almost feel stupid for sticking with the show, as if I'm playing right into the hands of some money-grubbing executive who's shaking me down for every last cent, with no intent of ever delivering on the promise of the show's premiere over 2 years ago.

That being said, last night's episode of Lost was certainly a step in the right direction. The plot is moving forward. Let's hope it stays that way.

And what would a Heroes post be without predictions and questions?
Prediction: Nikki/Jessica is going to kill Matt Parkman next week. He's not involved with any of the other heroes, his storyline has nowhere else to go, and no main character has been killed thus far. Sorry Matt, but I think your time has come.
Prediction: HRG, The Haitian and Claude were all part of a past group of Heroes who were called upon to save the world from disaster years ago. HRG was the leader and during their saga, The Haitian somehow became indebted to him and Claude was "killed," though we now know he is alive and well. Just a prediction, but I'm feelin good about this one...

Questions: 1) Why is Sylar afraid of HRG and The Haitian? Why can't he just kill them?
2) If every painting that Isaac has painted has totally come true, why should we expect the painting of a destroyed New York to be any different? How can the Heroes change the fate of that painting but none of the others?

For being a quintessentially very good (but not great) episode of Heroes, I happily bestow upon this episode the grade of A-
For being pretty average, but at least taking a step in the right direction, I give Lost a B

Favorite Scene: When Nikki/Jessica tasers the shit out of that psychiatrists back. Brutal.

Favorite Line: "You get to know people if you see 'em when they think they're alone. You see 'em for what they truly are: selfish, deceitful, and gassy." - Claude

Favorite Scene: When Sawyer bashes that dude's head into the machine three times until he gets electrocuted. Brutal.

Favorite Line: "Don't get mad at me just because you were dumb enough to fall for the old Wookie prisoner gag." - Sawyer

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